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Mr. John Smith

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EuroBrake Steering Committee

EuroBrake Advisory Board


Mr. John Smith

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ESOP Working Group


Mr. John Smith

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EuroBrake is organised by FISITA, the international membership organisation that supports the automotive and mobility systems sector in its quest to advance technological development. Having delivered against this mission for every generation of engineers since 1948, we are uniquely placed to promote excellence in mobility engineering and the development of safe, sustainable and affordable mobility solutions.

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16 July 2021


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Friday 20 May

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Thursday 19 May

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Wednesday 18 May

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Tuesday 17 May

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Monday 16 May

Co-Chair: John Smith

Chair: John Smith

Technical session title

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Co-Chair: John Smith

Chair: John Smith

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Co-Chair: John Smith

Chair: John Smith

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08:00 to 19:30

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20 MAY
20 MAY
19 MAY
19 MAY
18 MAY
18 MAY
17 MAY
17 MAY
16 MAY
16 MAY

Technical Programme

  • FISITA Corporate Member employee: free of charge 

  • FISITA Society Member: £20 

  • Academic / Student: £10 

  • Non-members: £40 


The technology discussion will have the following presentations:

  • Introduction of the topic - Christophe Aufrère, FISITA VP Technical and SVP Group CTO, Forvia

  • CO2 Transformation: Plastics from Thin Air? - Dr. Thibault Cantat, CEA France 

  • A Low Carbon Pathway enabling a Circular Economy - Dr. Preeti Jain, Director Business Development & Government Relations, LanzaTech

  • Carbon2Chem - From CO2 to polymers - automotive parts made from CO2 - Udo Gayer, Manager, New Business, Mercedes-Benz AG & Nicholas Flanders, Co-founder/Chief Executive, Twelve

  • Q&A session



Carbon dioxide (CO2) is now in the atmosphere at a level of more than 400ppm – a worrying acceleration from the pre-industrialisation level of 270ppm. Any pathway to mitigate climate change requires the rapid reduction of CO2 emissions but as a critical life-sustaining substance for example, in the photosynthesis of plants, banning CO2 completely cannot be the solution. 

In fact, this rich resource can present many opportunities if it is utilised in innovative ways.

Carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) is the process of capturing CO2 to be recycled for further usage. CCU aims to convert the captured CO2 into more valuable substances or products such as plastics, concrete or biofuel, while maintaining a carbon-neutral production process.

Given CO2 can be a useful raw material to produce valuable molecules for different kinds of applications, there is significant potential for applications in the automotive/mobility industry. Research has shown CO2 from the air can be directly converted into methanol at relatively low temperatures. As a clean-burning fuel for internal combustion or a fuel for fuel cells this could be a useful alternative to fossil fuels.

Technology has also been developed to allow the economic conversion of atmospheric CO directly into valued carbon nanofibres for industrial and consumer products, which have multiple design and manufacturing applications in our industry.

Join this 2-hour session and hear more on these innovations as well as to discuss what  major challenges need to be overcome - is the cost involved worth it? What about the life cycle assessment and the energy requirement?

Our experts are ready to cover the challenges and potential of CCU in automotive applications.


Carbon Capture & Utilisation: Harnessing the Power of CO2 for Useful Materials in Mobility

FISITA Technology Discussion September 2022

22 Sept 2022, Online, 07:00 Detroit | 12:00 London | 16:30 Mumbai

Carbon Capture & Utilisation: Harnessing the Power of CO2 for Useful Materials in Mobility

FISITA Technology Discussion September 2022

22 Sept 2022 to 22 Sept 2022, Online, 07:00 Detroit | 12:00 London | 16:30 Mumbai

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