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Organised by


Mr. John Smith

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EuroBrake Steering Committee

EuroBrake Advisory Board


Mr. John Smith

Job title


ESOP Working Group


Mr. John Smith

Job title


EuroBrake is organised by FISITA, the international membership organisation that supports the automotive and mobility systems sector in its quest to advance technological development. Having delivered against this mission for every generation of engineers since 1948, we are uniquely placed to promote excellence in mobility engineering and the development of safe, sustainable and affordable mobility solutions.

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16 July 2021


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Friday 20 May

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Thursday 19 May

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Wednesday 18 May

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Tuesday 17 May

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Monday 16 May

Co-Chair: John Smith

Chair: John Smith

Technical session title

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Co-Chair: John Smith

Chair: John Smith

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Co-Chair: John Smith

Chair: John Smith

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08:00 to 19:30

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20 MAY
20 MAY
19 MAY
19 MAY
18 MAY
18 MAY
17 MAY
17 MAY
16 MAY
16 MAY

Technical Programme

Delegates enjoyed over 400 leading-edge technical papers covering all aspects of vehicle design, development and manufacturing including:

  • Powertrain

  • Materials

  • Fuels & lubricants

  • Emissions control

  • Vehicle dynamics

  • Active & passive safety systems

  • Recycling

  • Driver information systems

  • Rapid prototyping and all aspects of regulatory policy

Together these powerful opportunities for career and business development made the Seoul 2000 FISITA World Automotive Congress the key automotive industry event in the year 2000.



The 28th FISITA World Automotive Congress took place in Seoul, Korea from 12-15 June and will be remembered as the automotive industry's most important event of the year 2000.

Congress themes:

  • Advanced Automotive Technology

  • Policy & Economy

  • Human Life & Environment

  • Globalisation & Harmonisation

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems

The focus throughout Seoul 2000 was on helping engineers and executives to harness the latest and best technology and use it to add value to their products, company and career.

Plenary sessions featuring industry leaders, politicians and other influential figures offered vital insights into where the industry is going, and how to stay ahead of the trends.

A world class commercial exhibition took place alongside the congress, providing excellent opportunities for international networking.


FISITA World Automotive Congress 2000

Automotive Innovation for the New Millennium

Sunday 11 June 2000 at 23:00:00 UTC

FISITA World Automotive Congress 2000

Automotive Innovation for the New Millennium

11 Jun 2000 to 14 Jun 2000, Seoul

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