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Dr. Panagiota (Penny) Dilara is a Chemical Engineer with a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania (USA) for her work in catalysis and surface science. 

She worked for 20 years at the European Commissions’s Joint Research Centre in Italy in the fields of transport and energy. She did research and led groups of JRC scientists working in the field of particle measurements, air quality modelling, emission inventories, road-transport and electromobility modelling. 

Since 2015, she moved in the Automotive Unit of DG-GROW, in the European Commission in Brussels. She currently leads the Clean Vehicles Team, responsible for the development of emissions regulations both in Europe and globally (UNECE). The current focus of her work is the development of future emissions legislation (EURO 7) in Europe. 

She has produced 10 pieces of EU regulations and contributed to many others and authored 40 scientific papers. 

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European Commission, DG-GROW

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Dr. Panagiota Dilara

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16 July 2021

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16 July 2021

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