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Mr. John Smith

Job title



The recent evolution of vehicles toward higher automation levels and the readiness of newly developed braking system technologies leads to development of additional testing methodologies for evaluation of redundancy. The objective is to analyse the performance of the braking system, which has already been previously studied and obtain objective data on the behaviour of the vehicle in pre-defined scenarios. This information can be very useful as support in the definition and study of system targets. The test activities will consider different scenarios in which the brake system is being evaluated. For this, up to three failure situations will be considered in which it is expected to evaluate the response of the system; These situations do not always have to be reproduced in all scenarios, but vary according to the interests of the test and are the following: - No failure: the test is conducted with the braking system fully operational to check its performance. - Failure: the test is conducted with a failure which is present during the whole manoeuvre, to evaluate the performance degradation. - Failure during manoeuvre: the test is conducted creating the failure during the manoeuvre, to evaluate the performance recovery. Failure situations will comprise up to three different types of failures, ESP failure, Electrohydraulic actuator failure, and EPB failure. Depending on the test scenario, some of them will be simulated in the different failure situations to obtain information that describes the behaviour of the system. Failures are induced by impeding the power supply of the different modules with the use of relays. In the case of the ESP, motor and valves are independently powered —the former being uniquely disabled. A comprehensive test list will be developed, and it will take into account longitudinal and lateral acceleration manoeuvres to study the behaviour of the system. In each case, either the failure situation or the failure type is defined accordingly. A complete methodology will then be presented, not only for regulation items but also for brake pedal feel and redundancy scenario characterization

Ing. Fabio Squadrani, Senior Manager, Applus IDIADA; Mr. Narcis Molina Montasell, Project Manager, Applus IDIADA; Mr. Carlos Jose Sierra Sanchez, Project Manager, Applus IDIADA; Mr. Jeremie Clement, Brake Testing Manager, Applus IDIADA; Mr. Gerard Perez Griso, Project Engineer, Applus IDIADA

Failure insertion and test definition for redundant systems

EB2023-BSY-021 • Full • EuroBrake 2023 • Brake system functionalities


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