Moan noise is a structural noise caused by the Stick-slip of the Pad interacting with the caliper and the suspension system by Drag Force when the vehicle is about to weak brake or turn at low speed. Moan Noise is classified as a larger quality problem than other NVH problems because the frequency band is 100 to 1 kHz, which causes very high anxiety to the driver. However, Moan Noise was not able to respond preemptively because it could be evaluated at the end of vehicle development, and it is very expensive because it requires a vehicle-level investigation. From the past, it has played an important role in the reproduction and improvement of Moan Noise through the parameter study of the CAE method. However, because the boundary conditon arising from the actual vehicle unit operating conditions depends on experimental or engineer experience, results may differ from the actual environmental conditions. Recognizing these limitations of the experiment and the CAE, we developed the BCM Digital Twin Model in Halfcar model, which clearly identified the principle of Moan Noise generation and determined whether noise occurred in the early stages of development. In this paper, we try to introduce the BCM Digital Twin Model in Half car modeling methods that are very similar to reality and the mechanisms for generating Moan Noise through them.
Mr. Jinsuk Song, Senior CAE Engineer, HL Mando; Mr. Hyeokbo Sim, Senior CAE Engineer, HL Mando
Brake corner module digital twin in half car level for moan noise
EB2023-MSL-002 • Full • EuroBrake 2023 • Low frequency NVH
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