Research and/or engineering questions/objective: Vehicle automation will force industry and countries to standardize many elements of the automotive environment at global level, including global regulation. The purpose of this study is to compare the three main world markets: Europe, the United States of America and China, in order to present the current situation of each of them, the trends they are following towards the medium-term future (5-10 years) and to identify similarities and differences between them in order to see the trend towards convergence between the three main markets. Methodology: This study uses the IRIS knowledge base from IDIADA's Regulatory Information Service as the main source of information. Through IRIS and the expertise of IDIADA’s Homologation Department, it is possible to obtain all the necessary information on the current status of the regulations and their future developments in each of the markets, as well as to obtain, if necessary, a comparison of technical attributes between regulations in different markets. Results: The result of this study is a global overview of the state of regulation in Europe, the United States of America and China and a clear vision of the future of homogenization between these three major markets. Limitation of this study: This study is limited to the overall study of vehicle type-approval regulations in each of the regions without going into technical depth. It will provide an overview of each of the markets and the paths they are following in terms of safety, automation and emissions. What does the paper offer that is new in the field in comparison to other works of the author? In the automotive world, it is well known that a large part of the resources are dedicated to innovation and technological advances in order to make cars more functional and also more attractive to the general public. But these advances often have to be adapted to the regulations stipulated by each region in which the vehicle is to be introduced. In an increasingly globalized world, it is always more and more important to obtain a global product. Conclusion Globalization, the growth of the automotive sector and the emergence of new technologies are leading the major markets to standardize the regulations needed to be able to introduce vehicles from anywhere in the world into their regions. The target is the “Global vehicle”
Mr. Javier Chavarrias, Homologation Services Technician, Applus IDIADA
The Path to Global Regulatory Harmonization and Global Product
FWC2023-RGE-007 • FISITA World Congress 2023 • Regulatory environment
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