If you have graduated from an engineering degree course related to mobility engineering from an institution recognised by your local Automotive Engineering Society and the Society is a member of FISITA, you can apply for a FISITA International Engineers’ Certificate - there is a small administration charge (about £12 or US$16 or RMB100) for issuing the certificate, with part of this being channelled to the FISITA Foundation to help support our work encouraging the next generation of engineers.

Highlight your position in the international mobility industry
Currently the Certificate is being developed with a small group of Societies. The form below is currently only available for members of the China-SAE, but this will be expanded to include other participating Societies from November 2020. Please contact us if you are a member of another Society and are interested in applying for a certificate or, if you do not belong to a Society and are interested in joining one. All levels of the certificate require graduation from a mobility engineering related degree at an institution recognised by the local engineering society. The higher levels require evidence of work experience and Societies may require interviews to confirm qualifications for the higher levels - this will be arranged and handled by the Society of necessary.

Certificate holders have the choice of being included on the FISITA International Engineers’ Register for a period of three years after issuance of the certificate. As we develop the people directory on this website, it will become possible to show awarded certificates on personal profiles. Appearance on the Register and in the people directory is subject to receiving approval from the individual to share their information.