See FISITA Library items from Carlo Borghini
Video + Slides
Mr. Carlo Borghini, Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, ITALY
Mr. Carlo Borghini, Executive Director of the European Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, introduces the Shift2Rail R&I Programme, with particular focus on the evolution of automation in the European railway systems in order to maximize the performance of the current infrastructure in terms of capacity, lifecycle cost reductions and punctuality. In this respect, railway automation and digitalization rely on the performance and contributions of critical subsystems, where the braking systems has a major role. The R&I work started with a bottom up technological approach in S2R has evolved during the years with the introduction of a system integrated approach, to ensure that all critical elements deliver together a functional performance that will contribute to deliver sustainable mobility, with rail playing a major role.
EuroBrake 2021
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Mr Carlo Borghini was appointed Executive Director of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking on February 2016 and is responsible for the overall management of the S2R JU activities.
Previously, Mr Borghini held different senior management positions in private and international organizations.
Mr Borghini holds a Master Degree equivalent in Business Economics. He is a native speaker of Italian and communicates with proficiency in French and English. He is married with three children.