After graduating in mechanical engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) from Munich's Technical University (TU München), Gerhard Müller started his professional career at TÜV SÜD in 1989, where he was authorized as motor vehicle inspector. Until now he held various management functions. With effect from 2011 he is Head of External Affairs and Public Policy at TÜV SÜD Mobility.
Since 2012, Gerhard Müller supports CITA, the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee. He has held the office of CITA president since 2019. In his role he is dedicated to improve road safety and making traffic more environmentally friendly.
Gerhard Müller is currently engaged in the political discussion about the future testing procedures for automated driving vehicles and the associated use of in-vehicle data as well as the modernization of periodic vehicle inspection and emission testing.
The aim is to ensure that vehicles even with the latest technologies comply with safety and environmental requirements over their entire life cycle. This is a precondition to make road transport safer, cleaner and more sustainable.