See FISITA Library items from Haike Brick
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Doersch, DB Systemtechnik GmbH, GERMANY
Mrs. Maria Starnberg, DB Systemtechnik GmbH, GERMANY
Dr.-Ing. Haike Brick, DB Systemtechnik GmbH, GERMANY
In the latest amendment to the TSI Noise, the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/774 from year 2019 (TSI NOI EU 2019/774, 2019), the term “quieter brake blocks” was introduced. The purpose was to distinguish between brake blocks that cause a high rolling noise level by roughening the surface of the wheels and quieter brake blocks with acoustic properties that better correspond to the pass-by noise limit for freight wagons. However, it has remained an open point which methods and procedures should be used for the assessment of the acoustic properties of new brake blocks. This open point shall be closed in the new revision of the TSI Noise, which will become effective in year 2022. It requires a new acoustic certification procedure for brake blocks to be developed.
A new procedure for the acoustic certification of new brake blocks should be reliable, easy to use and less expensive in terms of time and costs than full scale pass-by noise measurements in field. These conditions could be fulfilled by a certification procedure based on the wheel roughness level caused by the specific brake block. The relationship to the TSI-noise limit value can be established by defining reference values for the rail roughness and transfer function according to the well-established rolling noise model. Besides the certification procedure, a practical method should be defined how to generate and assess the wheel roughness that is characteristic for a specific brake block product.
This project is financed by the German Centre for Rail Traffic Research in cooperation with the Federal Railway Authority and executed by DB Systemtechnik GmbH. The objective of the presentation is to introduce the research project “Acoustic Certification of New Composite Brake Blocks”. This presentation summarizes the project work so far and gives explanations and background knowledge to the development of the methods as well as to railway noise. A calculation example is given to comprehensibly demonstrate the proposed procedure.
At the time of the EuroBrake conference the project is still ongoing, and the final results cannot yet be presented. The focus for the discussions is to put on the practicability of the methods and the needs of the user regarding for instance documentation, required efforts or material and qualification.
EuroBrake 2021
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Dr.-Ing. Haike Brick
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