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Dr. Henry Liu is the Director of Mcity and a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is also the Director for the Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (USDOT Region 5 University Transportation Center) and a Research Professor at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. Prof. Liu conducts interdisciplinary research at the interface of transportation engineering, automotive engineering, and artificial intelligence. Specifically, his scholarly interests concern traffic flow monitoring, modeling, and control, as well as testing and evaluation of connected and automated vehicles. He has published more than 130 refereed journal papers and his work have been widely recognized in the public media for promoting smart transportation innovations. Professor Liu has nurtured a new generation of scholars, and some of his PhD students and postdocs have joined first class universities such as Columbia University, Purdue University, RPI, Tsinghua University, etc. Prof. Liu is also the managing editor of Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems.

United States

Director, Mcity & Center for Connected and Automated Transportation

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Professor Henry Liu

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16 July 2021

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