See FISITA Library items from Hong Wang
Q&A moderated by Dr. Hong Wang, Associate Research Professor at the School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University, and Deputy Executive Director, CAICV-SOTIF Technical Alliance; with Dr. Adrian Zlocki, Head of Automated Driving, fka GmbH; and Stefan de Vries, Project Manager & Business Developer, Connected and Automated Vehicles, Applus IDIADA
FISITA Intelligent Safety Conference 2021 hosted by China SAE
1 SOTIF (Architecture, Perception, Planning, Control, Test, Evaluation)
Dr. Hong Wang, Associate Research Professor at the School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University, and Deputy Executive Director, CAICV-SOTIF Technical Alliance
FISITA Intelligent Safety Conference 2021 hosted by China SAE
1 SOTIF (Architecture, Perception, Planning, Control, Test, Evaluation)
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Hong Wang is Research Associate Professor at Tsinghua University. She received the Ph.D. degree in Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2015. From the year 2015 to 2019, she was working as a Research Associate of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering with the University of Waterloo. Her research focuses on the safety of the on-board AI algorithm, the safe decision-making for intelligent vehicles, and the test and evaluation of SOTIF. She has published over 60 papers on top international journals. Her domestic and foreign academic part-time includes the associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Guest Editor of Special Issues on Intelligent Safety of Automotive Innovation, Young Communication Expert of Engineering, lead Guest Editor of Special Issues on Intelligent Safety of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine.
Ms. Hong Wang

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