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Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer,

Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

Kunihiko Ohnuma, Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

In 1971, he joined Hitachi, Ltd., which is now a parent company of Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd. then was appointed as the Vice President and Executive Officer, in 2007.

July 2009, when Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd., was established as the spin-off of Automotive Systems from Hitachi, he was named the Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer of the company. Since then, he has been dedicated to automotive business where rapid improvements are expected in the electrical and electromechanical field.


President and Chief Executive Officer

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Mr. Kunihiko Ohnuma

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16 July 2021

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16 July 2021

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