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Poster + Pitch


Dr. Sabrina Vogt, TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, GERMANY

Mr. Marco Göbel, TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, GERMANY

Mr. Florian Hermann, TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, GERMANY

Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) is an often-used technology for high quality repairs, wear- and corrosion protection as well as modifications on existing parts. With build-up rates of up to 500 cm³/min this technology can be used for fast, near net shape build-ups for e.g. applying optimized structural reinforcements to increase functionality or resistance to high local stress loads. A new variant of the well know LMD process is the High-Speed Laser Cladding, enabling very high feed rates between 100-500 m/min and locally adjusted layer thicknesses between 50-300 µm per layer.

Using High-Speed Laser Cladding, a laser beam is melting powder particles, which are fed coaxially into the laser beam, before these particles hit the substrate. Using a laser as heat source, heat input into workpiece can be minimized and fast thermo cycles can be achieved. This allows for a very low dilution of additive into workpiece – typically < 10µm – and high feed rates between 100-500 m/min. Layers generated by this process can be locally adjusted in thickness between 50-300 µm per layer. Since each layer is metallurgically bonded to the substrate or the layer before, multi layers or multi-material approaches are feasible. This feature can be used to achieve functionally graded material or to apply metallurgically bond coatings on hard-to-weld alloys such as cast iron.

By use of the afore mentioned unique process features, new and in properties tailored coating systems become feasible. High-Speed Laser Cladding is already used for a broad range of applications: wear resistant layers on small valves, corrosion resistant coatings for very long shafts used in hydraulic systems, etc. Even additive manufacturing of rotational symmetric geometries – such as seal lips or a shoulder on a shaft – is feasible.

For automotive industry LMD and High-Speed Laser Cladding are already being investigated for a broad range of applications. In the presentation we will highlight use cases from R&D and future production: the coating of brake discs is addressed by use of the High-Speed Laser Cladding.

The presentation we will show recent results for the afore mentioned use cases, using new system technology and process parameters. Additionally, potential key figures related to production costs and -time are discussed, if LMD or High-Speed Laser Cladding technology is implemented into an automotive production environment for brake discs.

EuroBrake 2021





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Marco Göbel studied physics at the Technical University Darmstadt, with focus on laser, plasma, and nuclear physics. After graduation as Diploma Physicist, he worked from 2009 till 2017 at RWTH Aachen University and Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT) in Aachen. During this time, he worked in the field of laser blown powder additive manufacturing (LMD).

His focus of work was the refurbishment, reverse engineering and additive manufacturing of nickel, steel and titanium turbomachinery components by use of the LMD technology. From 2017 to 2019 he worked as a product manager for LMD and high-power laser system integration. In 2019 he joined TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH as industry manager for general industry and laser metal deposition.


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