since 1 February 2020. He is also chairman of the international expert panel for auto-mated and networked driving of the UN Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva.
Before being appointed President of the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt, Richard Damm worked at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport in Berlin. There he was responsible, among other things, for the introduction of Market Surveillance of motor vehicles in Germany. Under his leadership, the use of miniature electric vehicles in Germany was also made possible.
Richard Damm is an internationally recognised expert in the field of the worldwide har-monisation of regulations for the approval and monitoring of motor vehicles. Under his leadership, the globally applicable regulations on vehicle regulations were further devel-oped to reduce trade barriers.
Richard Damm was also a member of the Board of Direc-tors of the European New Car Assessment Programme, a consumer information pro-gramme on the safety level (Euro NCAP) and environmental behaviour (Green NCAP) of new vehicles. His area of expertise also included automation, networking and digitisa-tion issues at EU and UNECE level.
Before joining the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, Richard Damm spent five years working on national and European research projects on passive safety and bio-mechanics of vehicles at the Federal Highway Research Institute.
After a technical education Richard Damm studied mechanical engineering - automotive engineering and product development at the Technical University of Munich.