See FISITA Library items from Sebastian Gramstat
Mr. Sven Brandt, TU Braunschweig, GERMANY
Mr. Malte Sandgaard, TU Braunschweig, GERMANY
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Gramstat, Audi AG, GERMANY
Mr. Frank Stebner, Volkswagen AG, GERMANY
Mr. Conrad Weigmann, Volkswagen AG, GERMANY
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade, Institute of Particle Technology, GERMANY
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg-Peter Ostermeyer, TU Braunschweig, GERMANY
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Schilde, Institute of Particle Technology, GERMANY
The increasing degree of electrification as well as the optimization of particle based exhaust emissions, which is already being driven forward due to legislation, will direct the focus of fine dust considerations in automotive technology to non-exhaust emissions. In contrast to exhaust emissions, there are currently only a few vehicle-related limit values or uniform standards in measurement technology and the measurement procedure. The area of non-exhaust emissions includes tire abrasion, the turbulence of organic and inorganic road particles, and brake wear. Since, in addition to the material component, the particle size also has a significant influence on the health hazard of the material, particulate emissions from brakes are often directly related to health effects.
In comparison to previous measurements, which have mostly been carried out in enclosed and clinical environments, the dynamics of the fine dust emitted from the brake will be investigated using a fully automated tribometer and used as a possibility to validate a DEM simulation. Besides the pure measurement of the emitted particle size distributions during the brake application, conclusions on the agglomeration behaviour of the emission particles in the environment shall be drawn. The aim is to predict the environmental impact and the potential danger of the particles to humans due to the particle size released into the environment. The pin-disc contact between brake pad and brake disc serves as the emission source. A coupled CFD-DEM simulation environment was set up to simulate particle dynamics. Based on a rotating brake disc model, the flow-relevant components of the test bench environment were implemented into the simulation setup. The area around the actual brake contact as well as the environment at the tribometer should be considered. For the metrological validation of the simulation, a swarm of calibrated low-cost sensors as well as a scattered light based particle size measuring device will be set up around the tribometer.
EuroBrake 2021
Video + Slides
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Gramstat, Audi AG, GERMANY
Mr. Carlos Agudelo, Link Engineering., UNITED STATES
Brake Discs are very complex components in regards of their composition, design, properties and also their manufacturing processes. Therefore, a new working group is established to start the work on friction relevant disc specifications.
Sub-tasks and correlating sub-teams were defined to initialize the work. In a first step, a general chapter in regards of nomenclature is prepared, as well as a screening of already existing standards from public domains is carried out. A special focus is given to NVH-relevant items to prepare best-practice recommendations for Eigenfrequency and damping determinations.
At Eurobrake 2020, recent work progress of this new working group is presented and discussed.
EuroBrake 2021
Video + Slides
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Gramstat, Audi AG, GERMANY
Mr. Matteo Mazzoni, Brembo S.p.A., ITALY
Mr. Beniamin Szewczyk, Brembo S.p.A., ITALY
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Heimann, Audi AG, GERMANY
Mr. Martin Angel, Audi AG, GERMANY
The EVC-1000 research project of the HORIZON 2020 funding platform works on solutions for future generation of battery electric vehicles (BEV) to enhance their efficiency, performance and mileage. Amongst others, a special focus is given to the brake system of BEV.
Beside a brief description of the project (including project goals), a brake-by-wire (BBW) approach is presented and described for those BEV. This includes the general layout of the system as well as the technical and technological description.
The latter is oriented on the defined requirements of a demonstrator vehicle, which allows also to derive the relevant specifications. As a result, it is intended to find an appropriate dimensioning of the brake system (including the foundation brake) for BEV to avoid over-sized components. Another focus deals with the integration of the BBW.
Finally, results of some preliminary vehicle road testing activities are introduced to create a base for benchmark analyses.
EuroBrake 2021
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Sebastian Gramstat studied mechanical engineering at the Ilmenau University of Technology, where he has worked as a research assistant at the Department of Automotive Engineering from 2006 to 2013 and passed his PhD in 2014.
He joined the AUDI AG, development foundation brake, also in 2014 as a project engineer. Sebastian is responsible for various pre-development projects, amongst others non-exhaust emissions including brake particle emissions.
Furthermore, he is involved in several standardisation activities, convenor of the ISO working group 10 “Brake Linings and Friction Couples” and member of the SAE Brake NVH Standards Committee.