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Mr. Swapnil Kumar, University of Louisville, UNITED STATES

Dr. Thundil Karuppa Raj Rajagopal, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, INDIA

A braking system is an important system for a vehicle To stop a vehicle, brake torque needs to be delivered

from the brake caliper to the disc brake which eventually stops the rotating wheels The torque produced by

the brake caliper needs to be greater than the torque produced at the wheels and therefore, to develop

efficient design parameters for a brake caliper, vehicle design parameters need to optimize so that optimum

torque can be generated at the wheels from vehicle design calculations Design and analysis of metallic based

brake caliper has been carried for an All-Terrain vehicle using Additive Manufacturing For design modeling,

Solidworks has been used and from the simulation manufacturing aspect, Ansys and Simufact have been

used to analyze the stress, displacement, and surface deviation In addition to that design and performance

optimization has been carried out in Solidworks Ansys, and Simufact respectively Force and Torque

the calculation has been carried out for the brake caliper using Matlab Fine Meshing has been carried out while

analyzing the brake caliper in Ansys and Simuafact for optimum efficiency in results The designed brake

caliper is optimum in terms of weight, cost, and efficiency.

EuroBrake 2021





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Swapnil is currently working as a Researcher at the University of Louisville in the United States on the design and simulation of metal additive manufacturing. He is a graduate of the 2020 batch with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical specialization in Automotive Engineering from VIT Vellore, India, and the Automotive Research Association of India.

He has been recognized with the Student of the year Award from SAE-India Foundations and Best Outgoing Student from the School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT Vellore, India for the academic year 2019-2020. His bachelor's thesis dissertation was awarded the Best Research Presentation award from Purdue University and Springer Nature.

United States

Research Intern

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16 July 2021

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