Véronique Andriès is Ecodesign Director at Alstom, where she defines the company strategy, objectives and workplan for environmental performances improvement of the group solutions. She takes care about Alstom units ecodesign objective alignement, key programs environmental objectives and group referential.
Also in charge of the coordination of Core Competency Networks (CCN) , she ensures alignment of the 34 CCNs practices and road map, develop the networks efficiency and visibility and manages budget & steering committees.
Early during the Covid Crisis, Véronique has launched partnerships with qualified stakeholders in order to ensure an appropriated answer to the pandemic situation. Within Healthier MobilityTM. , she is the so called “Referential” domain leader.
Veronique promotes and defends Railways sector interests being, UNIFE Sustainable Transport Committee Chairwoman as well as member of various standardization committee (EN/CLC ECO-CG (Ecodesign coordination Group); Member of ISO TC WG (ISO/TC 269/WG4); AFNOR Comité Electrotechnique Français UF111 …..).
Veronique holds a PhD in Organic Chemistry from the University of Lille (North France) and has studied asbestos end of life treatment within a post doctorate position with FAPESP (SP-Brazil)
Dr. Véronique Andriès

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