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Mr. John Smith

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In accordance with the customer's vehicle diversification needs is increasing, a lot of vehicles should be developed. For limited man power, it is not easy to develop a lot of vehicles. The man power should be reduced through improved work efficiency. This work efficiency can be obtained by automation analysis tool and the high accuracy of analysis prediction. In this study, we investigate the automation analysis tool for braking squeal noise. The automation analysis tool can be used not only frequency analysis such as disc, caliper, knuckle in the design stage, but also disc optimization design for satisfying the separation criteria of disc, caliper, knuckle frequency and reduced disc weight compared to previous one. This method of satisfying both the separation criteria of disc, caliper, knuckle frequency and reduced disc weight is that we can use the contribution design factor in terms of the disc shape. The disc pin shape increasing thickness with radial direction is the main contribution design factor. The automation analysis tool of disc optimization design also can be used for the brake squeal analysis. We can use complex eigenvalue analysis(CEA) to verify the brake squeal instability. We can have the good result of complex eigenvalue analysis(CEA) by using optimized disc. The brake squeal noise test is done to verify the complex eigenvalue analysis(CEA) result. The test result of brake squeal noise is consistent with complex eigenvalue analysis(CEA) result. We can finally have the high accuracy of brake squeal analysis and improve work efficiency by using of automation analysis tool

Mr. SungHo Kim, senior research engineer, Hyundai Motor Company; Mr. JeongKyu Kim, global r&d master, hyundai motor

Disc optimization using automation analysis tool and test verification for brake squeal noise

EB2023-MSL-004 • Full • EuroBrake 2023 • Brake squeal simulation


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