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Mr. John Smith

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Objective Battery Management System (BMS), an integral part of EVs and HEVs. Development of reliable BMS requires a lot of cell data and its characterization. A comprehensive BMS shall be capable of handling any type of Li-ion battery chemistry. Such requirements pose challenges for BMS development. A BMS can be ascertained reliable and safe, once the defined functionalities and requirements are proven, but the scale of hardware, data and cost involved to develop and prove is enormous. This paper describes a HIL based approach for Development and Validation of BMS. This method proves to be cost and time effective. Introduction: Challenging emission targets and quest for sustainable mobility, keeps the EV requirement rising. By 2030, the market share of EV is expected to be around 30% excluding two-wheelers. The need for safer and smarter mobility is also growing in tandem. Li-ion batteries has proven to be the promising solution for energy reservoir requirements in EV/HEV. Unaddressed Li-ion battery pack is a potential hazard in EV/HEV. The need of BMS now is not only to address safety of the pack but also support in effective usage of the pack’s potential. Hence a BMS, plays a vital role in any EV/HEV and its development poses multiple challenges. This paper describes a methodology for verification and validation of BMS functionalities through Hardware in Loop (HIL) approach. HIL based validation reduces the cost of development as it eliminates the need of actual Li-ion cells and packs. Any cell characteristics and Pack configuration can be emulated and the BMS functions can be validated. Methodology  Cell model characterization and Validation 18650 cell with NCA chemistry was configured in the simulation model and its characteristics was validated  Development of Controller Model Graphical based programming approach was used for development of the BMS controller model.  MIL (Model in Loop) Here both the Plant model and Controller model was validated in closed loop  RPT hardware as ECU Generic Rapid Prototyping hardware is used for realization of controller  Parameterization of Cell Emulators The 18650 cell with NCA chemistry was then configured in the Cell emulator.  HIL validation The RPT hardware was used in loop with HIL Cell Emulator and the BMS functions were validated. Results The results of Model in Loop simulation was compared with Hardware in Loop Simulation to understand real time performance.

Mr. Ravindra Shah, The Automotive Research Association of India, INDIA Mr. Siva Murugesan, The Automotive Research Association of India, INDIA Mr. Swapnil Ghugal, The Automotive Research Association of India, INDIA Mr. Rathin Shah, The Automotive Research Association of India, INDIA Mrs. Ujjwala Karle, The Automotive Research Association of India, INDIA

Hardware in Loop Simulation based approach for Development and Validation of Battery Management System

F2020-ADM-078 • Paper + Video • FISITA World Congress 2021 • ADM - Advanced Vehicle Driveline and Energy Management


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