Brake squeal simulation
Development of automation tool for efficient analysis of braking squeal noise: SungHo Kim, Hyundai Motors
An approach for reducing friction-excited dynamic flutter-instabilities by manipulating specific eigenfrequencies: Marcel Deutzer, Volkswagen
Model quality quantification and improvement based on operational squeal deflection shapes expansion: Guillaume Vermot des Roches, SDTools
A comprehensive process for brake squeal simulation, from unstable modes to acoustic radiation: Rémi Lemaire, Hitachi Astemo
Simulation study regarding modal shape transition that is conducive to modal coupling using complex MAC (modal assurance criterion): Hayuru Inoue, Hitachi Astemo
Real world brake PM emissions measurement
C14a for a physical understanding of emission mechanisms: Mael Thévenot, Université de Lille
Particle emissions from brake wear – results from the phase 1 study for the UK DfT: Jon Andersson, Ricardo
Measuring a vehicle’s real-world brake wear particle emissions on public roads: Michael Peter Huber, TU Graz
Brake wear particle emission measurements based on real driving cycles in several urban areas in a laboratory testing: Hiroyuki Hagino, Japan Automobile Research Institute
Measurement and analysis of brake and tire particle emissions under high-load driving cycles: Ludwig Schubert, Institute of Automotive Engineering, Graz University of Technology
Brake rotor coatings
Applying ferritic nitrocarburizing (FNC) combined with smart-ONC on GCI brake rotors: A newly developed innovative technology to meet the Euro 7 standards: Saadia Nousir, Nitrex Metal Inc.
Influence of carbide feedstock on properties of protective laser claddings on grey cast iron brake rotors: Andreas Wank, GTV Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH
Compatibility of alumina-coated cast iron brake discs vs. low-steel and nao brake pads materials: Xueyuan Nie, University of Windsor
Improving brake discs with coatings applied by extreme high-speed laser application (EHLA): Yingwei Wu, TWI
Multi-technique approach for characterization of functional thin coatings in brakes: Nicola Nocera, Brembo S.p.A.
Brake NVH testing transition towards electrification
Experimental investigation of friction noise role in brake squeal: Simone Ciprari, Sapienza University of Rome
Anti-noise shims for electric vehicles: Martin Søgaard, Meneta
Testing, evaluation, and rating of disk brake creep groan: Severin Huemer-Kals, Mercedes-Benz AG
NVH of automotive disc brakes : experimental / numerical cross-analysis of loading conditions promoting squeal: Nicolas Strubel, Hitachi Astemo / LaMcube Lille
Brake noise subjective rating prediction through machine learning algorithms: Antonio Rubio, Applus IDIADA
Wheel-rail contact, wheel-slide protection, braking distance
Research on the influences of lightweight brake discs on dynamic performances of railway vehicles: Jian-hang Cao, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation
The adaptive wheel slide protection journey: from concept to operational service: Luc Imbert, R&D Engineer
Investigations of degraded adhesion conditions and interrelated methods for improving braking performance using the advanced TrainLab (aTL): Marcus Fischer, Knorr-Bremses SfS
Steps taken to validate the functions underlying reproducible braking distance (RBD) and their practical benefits in day-to-day rail operations: Christopher Lozano, Knorr Bremse SfS GmbH
Possible rules evolution for railway WSP watchdog: safety impact and mitigation: Matteo Frea, Wabtec
Formulation ingredients
High performance benzoxazine resins as brake pad friction material binder: Davide Carlevaris, Università degli studi di Trento
Role of mineral fibres in reducing emission: coated rotors and nao high-performance friction materials: Adnan Sarfraz, LAPINUS
The prospect of fabric woven c/sic disk application on electric vehicle compared with short fibre pressed c/sic disk: Xin Chen, RD Manager
New cost-efficient materials for sulfide-based friction additives: Lars Hensgen, Tribotecc GmbH
In situ characterization of the oxidation mechanisms of iron-based sulfides and composites: Diego Chávez, RIMSA METAL TECHNOLOGY, SA
Brake wear particle emissions testing: trends and perspectives
Development of a driving cycle for dynamometer brake emission measurements of city buses in two European cities: Hartmut Niemann, Link Engineering Company GmbH
Contactless optical flow measurement (3C stereo particle image velocimetry) of particles in the area of the brake caliper in a rotating wheel under (almost) realistic driving conditions: Kai Götz, Volkswagen AG
Comparison of front and rear axle vehicle emissions - how brake particles influence the measurements: Miles Kunze, Technical University Ilmenau
Results of particulate matter measurements at a brake test bench: Daniel Ricardo Obando Nunez, University of Stuttgart
Variability of laboratory brake emissions measurements using ISO5725 statistical methods: Carlos Agudelo, Link Engineering Co.
Rotor based fundamentals
From adhesive wear to abrasive wear mechanism when switching from conventional rotors to hard coated rotors: Carlos Lorenzana, RISMA Metal Technology
Frictional, wear and emission behaviours at mild and severe sliding conditions of a conventional cast iron disc and a cermet-coated disc: Stefano Candeo, University of Trento
Implementation of radiation effects in thermo-mechanical coning model of a brake disc: Bharath Anantharamaiah, Applus IDIADA
Effect of moisture adsorption on low-speed and moderate-speed braking: effect on in-stop friction coefficient: Meechai Sriwiboon, King Mongkut’s University of Technology
Brake pad moisture adsorption kinetics and its influence on pad compression strain/modulus vs. ISO ‘compressibility’: Aman Rathee, SKR Consulting LLC
Brake system and component concepts
New, liquid and air-cooled braking system, which delivers high performance and significantly reduces brake emissions: Jose María Gómez, BRL Brake Solutions
Carbon-fibre reinforced sheet moulding compound in brakes: design and simulation of a lightweight motorcycle brake caliper: Alexander Fidler, Institute of Automotive Engineering, Graz University of Technology
Investigation on brake drag throughout the brake development process: Philipp Huchtkoetter, Porsche AG in cooperation with University Stuttgart
Magnetorheological drum brake performance study on two-three wheelers brake inertia dynamometer: Chiranjit Sarkar, Indian Institute of Technology Patna
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