FISITA Japanese Insurance Cluster Paper 1 (Japanese)
Click here to view the English version.
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The FISITA Insurance Cluster issues its first Paper on ‘The role of insurance in the adoption of Autonomous Vehicles, EVs and FCVs’, in English and Japanese version.
For the first time in FISITA’s history we are very pleased to offer technical content to our membership community in different languages!
This Paper includes some fascinating insights into the challenges and opportunities around the role of insurance in AVs, EVs and FCVs, from a group of technologists comprising vehicle manufacturers and tier 1 suppliers, participating in the FISITA Insurance cluster in Japan.
This Paper summarises the results of the discussion which looked at the following:
How to position insurance ahead of the broad adoption of AVs, EVs and FCVs
The role of non-life insurance
Insurance products and services when MaaS achieves broad adoption
Contributors: AISIN Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, KDDI Corporation, Honda Motor Co., Ltd., Panasonic Corporation, Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co., Ltd., Toyota Motor Corporation
FISITA Corporate Membershipの代表者で構成されるFISITA Industry Committeeは、今後自動車産業にとって重要となる技術領域を確認した。(これらの領域を右に示す)この領域においての知識の共有や議論は、今後の自動車産業にとって主流となる新たな解決策の採用を、浮き彫りにすると共に促進させることに役立つと期待される。
FISITAはこれらの技術領域に関して、専門のTechnology Clusterを創設した。ここでは独自の活動範囲や議論の頻度、目標とする成果物を定めて活動している。昨年日本においてInsuranceのTechnology Clusterが設立され、FISITAのInternational Connected Community の利益となるべく、あいおいニッセイ同和損害保険とトヨタの主導のもとグループメンバーが技術的知識の共有を生み出すために共同して活動を行った。
Autonomous Hardware and Software
Connectivity and 5G
Energy Infrastructure
Road Infrastructure
Integration with Cities
Model Based Development
Security and Risk
Shared Mobility