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Mr. John Smith

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EuroBrake Steering Committee

EuroBrake Advisory Board


Mr. John Smith

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ESOP Working Group


Mr. John Smith

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EuroBrake is organised by FISITA, the international membership organisation that supports the automotive and mobility systems sector in its quest to advance technological development. Having delivered against this mission for every generation of engineers since 1948, we are uniquely placed to promote excellence in mobility engineering and the development of safe, sustainable and affordable mobility solutions.

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16 July 2021


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Friday 20 May

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Thursday 19 May

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Wednesday 18 May

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Tuesday 17 May

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Monday 16 May

Co-Chair: John Smith

Chair: John Smith

Technical session title

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Co-Chair: John Smith

Chair: John Smith

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Co-Chair: John Smith

Chair: John Smith

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08:00 to 19:30

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20 MAY
20 MAY
19 MAY
19 MAY
18 MAY
18 MAY
17 MAY
17 MAY
16 MAY
16 MAY

Technical Programme


The Society of Automotive Engineers Australasia (SAE-A) is pleased to host the 21st Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference in Australia.

The main theme of the Conference “Harmonising the future of Mobility” reflects the forthcoming significant changes. Autonomous Vehicle Technology is the technological breakthrough of the future for a myriad of reasons: safety, efficiency, connectivity, industry 4.0, smart cities, cost and reliability. 

The Australian automotive industry has been repositioning itself over the past 10 years from a manufacturing producer of vehicles to that of a centre of competency in vehicle design, engineering, innovation and technology. The SAE-A is also transforming. It has over 90 years of automotive history and is well accredited to host the 21st APAC conference and reposition our future in Australia – one that has the infrastructure to be at the forefront of technology and innovation, research and development and smart manufacturing.

The Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference (APAC) has been held every two years since 1981. APAC provides excellent opportunities for international automotive experts to present the latest product and development innovations and exchange information in mobility, autonomous cars, and transport vehicle technology as a global challenge for the industry, users, and society.

More Information 

Register Now

Autonomous Vehicle Technology: Harmonising the future of Mobility

21st Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference (APAC21)

Sunday 2 October 2022 at 23:00:00 UTC

21st Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference (APAC21)

2 Oct 2022 to 4 Oct 2022, Melbourne

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