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EuroBrake is organised by FISITA, the international membership organisation that supports the automotive and mobility systems sector in its quest to advance technological development. Having delivered against this mission for every generation of engineers since 1948, we are uniquely placed to promote excellence in mobility engineering and the development of safe, sustainable and affordable mobility solutions.
See FISITA Library items from AI and Hybridisation Techniques
Accenture Labs: Andreea Danilescu; Ecole Polytechnique Paris: Eric Moulines; Forvia: Christophe Aufrère; Inria: Jean Ponce; Intel: Tim Shea
Artificial intelligence is a promising technology which is already surrounding us with different useful applications like voice control, or computer vision. And in the automotive industry, it’s playing its part in the development of automated vehicle technology and advanced vehicle interior solutions. But there are still some drawbacks to this maturing technology.
This paper accompanies a FISITA online event about AI & Hybridisation Techniques, addressing new techniques such as Bayesian approaches, hybridisation techniques, the fusion of artificial intelligence and deterministic models, or new amorphic technologies. These are the technologies of the future and will set up new trade-offs that will benefit product designers and end users.
FISITA Output Paper
Christophe Aufrère, Faurecia; Andreea Danielescu, Accenture Labs; Eric Moulines, Centre for Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique; Jean Ponce, Inria (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology); Tim Shea, Intel
Learn more about techniques, applications and research challenges of uncertainty quantification which play a central role in reducing the impact of uncertainty in both optimisation and decision-making processes.
Examine how the problem of reconstructing a high-resolution colour image from burst of low-resolution raw pictures can addressed with a hybrid algorithm that retains the interpretability of the Lucas-Kanade approach to image alignment and iterative solutions to inverse problems but can be implemented in a feed-forward neural network, with parameters learned end to end.
And find out how Neuromorphic Computing can address the need for low power devices that are capable of advanced intelligence while reducing the number of specialized silicon chips and integration complexity.
FISITA Technology Discussion March 2022
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Friday 20 May
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Thursday 19 May
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Wednesday 18 May
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Tuesday 17 May
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Monday 16 May
Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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08:00 to 19:30
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Technical Programme
FISITA Corporate Member employee: free of charge
FISITA Society Member: £20
Academic / Student: £10
Non members: £40
Christophe Aufrère, FISITA VP Technical and SVP Group CTO Faurecia
Jean Ponce, Research Director at Inria (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) Visiting Researcher at the NYU Center for Data Science
Eric Moulines, Professor of Statistics, Centre for Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique
Tim Shea, Research Scientist Intel and Andreea Danilescu, Senior Manager – Lead, Future Technologies R&D, Accenture Labs
Join us to learn more about techniques, applications and research challenges of uncertainty quantification which play a central role in reducing the impact of uncertainty in both optimisation and decision-making processes.
We will also examine how the problem of reconstructing a high-resolution colour image from burst of low-resolution raw pictures can addressed with a hybrid algorithm that retains the interpretability of the Lucas-Kanade approach to image alignment and iterative solutions to inverse problems but can be implemented in a feed-forward neural network, with parameters learned end to end.
And find out how Neuromorphic Computing can address the need for low power devices that are capable of advanced intelligence while reducing the number of specialized silicon chips and integration complexity.
AI and Hybridisation Techniques
FISITA Technology Discussion March 2022
17 Mar 2022, Online, 11:00 Detroit, 15:00 London, 20:30 Mumbai
AI and Hybridisation Techniques
FISITA Technology Discussion March 2022
17 Mar 2022 to 17 Mar 2022, Online, 11:00 Detroit, 15:00 London, 20:30 Mumbai