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EuroBrake Steering Committee
EuroBrake Advisory Board
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ESOP Working Group
Job title

EuroBrake is organised by FISITA, the international membership organisation that supports the automotive and mobility systems sector in its quest to advance technological development. Having delivered against this mission for every generation of engineers since 1948, we are uniquely placed to promote excellence in mobility engineering and the development of safe, sustainable and affordable mobility solutions.
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Friday 20 May
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Thursday 19 May
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Wednesday 18 May
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Tuesday 17 May
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Monday 16 May
Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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08:00 to 19:30
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Technical Programme

SETC Applications
Vehicles with Motor such as ATVs, Motorcycles, Scooters, Personal mobility vehicles, Marine products, Snowmobiles, Recreational vehicles, Utility vehicles, Power assist devices, Assisted bicycles and Unmanned vehicles.
Machineries with Motor such as Snow plows and blowers, Portable power generators, Agricultural machinery, Gardening equipment, Hand tools, Small and micro-combined heat and power systems.
Note: Automobiles, Large vessels, Large aircraft, Locomotives, and Spaceships are out of the subject.
SETC Technologies
Combustion Engines such as 2- and 4-stroke, Spark ignition, Diesel, HCCI, Unconventional and Competition.
New Energy Sources such as Hybrid, Electric drive, Fuel cells, Thermoelectric generator and Organic Rankine cycle.
Components such as Chassis, Suspensions, Brakes, Transmissions, Drivetrains, Electrical systems, Electronics, Fuel supply systems and Wheels & tires.
Development Technologies such as Numerical simulations, Measurements and Production technologies.
Fuels, Lubricants, and Tribology such as Alternative fuels, Fuel reformations, Additives, Friction losses and Wear.
Vehicle Technologies such as Dynamics, Drivability, Safety and Human factors & ergonomics.
Environmental Impacts such as Noise, Vibration, Emissions, Fuel efficiencies, After treatment, Life cycle management and Recyclability.
Materials such as Composites, Metal alloys, Ceramics, Resins, New materials and Material processing.
Manufacturing Technologies such as Heat and surface treatments, Forging, Casting, Machining, 3D printing, Assembling and Rigging.
Main Subject Areas
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE) is pleased to announce that the 26th Small Powertrains and Energy Systems Technology Conference (SETC2022), digital and in-person, will be held at Arcrea HIMEJI in Himeji, Hyogo, Japan.
The conference is jointly sponsored by JSAE and SAE International with the support of Japan Land Engine Manufacturers Association (LEMA).
JSAE is asking you to share your experience and knowledge on small powertrain applications by submitting an abstract for the SETC2022.
Attendees are also encouraged to meet experts of OEMs, suppliers and academia from around the world, and discuss the challenges and developments in small powertrains and energy systems technology with them. This is the reason why JSAE is going to hold the conference in such a way that you will attend either in person or through our digital offering.

SETC 2022 - JSAE 26th Small Powertrains and Energy Systems Technology Conference
Monday 31 October 2022 at 0:00:00 UTC
SETC 2022 - JSAE 26th Small Powertrains and Energy Systems Technology Conference
31 Oct 2022 to 3 Nov 2022, Himeji, Hyogo, Japan and Online