The IUTA is a research institute in the field of energy and environmental technology and forms the bridge between basic research and industrial application.
The goals of the research are the acquisition of new scientific knowledge and methods as well as the transfer of the knowledge into practice, for example through specific product and process developments.
The approximately 120 employees work mainly on application-oriented R&D projects with industrial partners. To support application-oriented research, basic projects are also carried out with universities and other research institutions.
The work areas can be assigned to the following four main themes:
- Aerosols & Particles
- Air pollution control & gas process technology
- Resources & energy
- Analytics & measurement technology
Due to the range and complexity, the projects are usually processed by interdisciplinary teams of employees with special knowledge in mechanical and plant engineering, energy technology, process engineering, chemistry, analytics, measurement and control technology. The IUTA has extensive technical equipment and z. In some cases, through unique pilot plants, which, thanks to their dimensions, allow a safe scale-up to industrial process level. The institute's equipment is completed by extensive analysis for the chemical characterization of substances and pollutants. Approx. 2,680 m² of office and laboratory space and 5,200 m² of technical center space are available for research work and facilities.
The institute is involved in various regional, national and international networks. It is an affiliated institute of the University of Duisburg-Essen , with which it cooperates in a variety of ways. As a member of the Working Group of Industrial Research Associations (AiF) , the IUTA initiates and organizes joint industrial research ( IGF) projects in the field of energy and environmental technology. As a founding member of the Johannes Rau Research Foundation (JRF) , the IUTA is also an important part of the research community of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
In addition to scientific work, the IUTA offers services on all procedural and analytical issues. The portfolio ranges from feasibility studies, reports, process developments, metrological support for investigations on IUTA's own and external systems to order analyzes. In addition, the IUTA performs documentation and information tasks and provides training and further education in the field of energy and environmental technology. This is usually done in close cooperation with authorities, companies, associations and other organizations.
The IUTA is a recognized training company of the IHK. The dismantling facility approved according to the 4th BImSchV is certified for electronic scrap in accordance with the Ordinance on Waste Management Companies and is a listed EAR initial treatment facility.
