SDTools is an independent and privately owned software development company that provides off the shelf scientific libraries called from the MATLAB environment and consulting services to implement custom applications using these libraries.
SDTools was formed in 2001 by Etienne Balmes to transform the original academic Structural Dynamics Toolbox, sold by Scientific Software Group (now The MathWorks, France) since 1995, to a fully professional product. From 2001 to 2008 SDTools collaborated with the MSSMat Laboratory of Ecole Centrale Paris, where Etienne Balmes headed the Vibration research group. Starting september 2008, SDTools is now hosted by the PIMM laboratory at ENSAM Paris. Current PhD theses are funded by PSA, SAFRAN and SNCF.
In 2002 SDTools partnered with INRIA to combine efforts in the development of a general purpose multi-physics finite element library OpenFEM. This joint effort greatly augments the number of people involved in developing FEM capabilities distributed with SDTools products.


See FISITA Library items from SDTools
Vermot des Roches, Guillaume; Balmes, Etienne; - SDTools; Arts et Metiers
Brake squeal impacts trains during station parking, generating over 110 dB at the wheel vicinity. This disturbance is a problem for commuters and employees working close to trains and limits exploitation times. The only adjustable parameter is here the brake pad, since it is the only part with frequent replacement regarding the railway equipment lifetimes. To improve current pad design to limit noise emissions a numerical prototyping tool is required, providing noise level indicators post-treated from transient simulations of industrial brakes. Such realization is impossible without a relevant reduction strategy. The CMT (Component Mode Tuning) method integrated by SDTools makes this feasible. This model reduction is not only necessary to transient simulations but also to reduce the global computational cost of all intermediate operations. In the proposed approach, the pads must be kept unreduced to allow their interchangeability, but invariant brake parts can be reduced. A reduction basis is only relevant if it provides accurate results for various configurations of a reduced parametered model. A study of the system reduction basis sensitivity must be undertaken, which is this paper main objective. A sensitivity study methodology is then proposed and results in the form of reduced model convergence are eventually presented.
EuroBrake 2013
Modelling & Simulation (MS)

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