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Chris Mason shares his thoughts on FISITA PLUS

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

When I first joined FISITA I stepped into a world that fascinated me and still does. As a car lover and a lifetime servant to the industry, I was soon compelled by the world around me. I moved from an excellent position supporting the UK industry with SMMT, into a position supporting the international community of leading automotive technologists and engineers by becoming CEO of FISITA.

FISITA CEO Chris Mason

A major part of the attraction was the prospect of having a window into the world of technology, research and design; access to the people that are shaping the future of our industry and transportation, in terms of technology and strategy – at the highest level.

This is still a key motivator for me, and as I become more familiar with the people and their work it is clear that we have a role to play in telling this compelling story. In doing so we support the broader automotive industry as the business community comes to grips with the technology being created by FISITA members around the world.

So we decided that FISITA should open its door to a broader industry audience by delivering a high quality insight into the world that we exist within – and because we do, we know how valuable this opportunity will be in supporting others in the fast evolving auto-industry around us, as traditional auto manufacturers become the mobility service providers of tomorrow.

My message today is simple, FISITA exists to support the development of safe, sustainable and affordable mobility – and FISITA has been supported by many of the major auto brands for many years.

Why? Because they see a value in being able to utilise the international platform of FISITA to enable them to engage, learn and collaborate with their international peer-group at FISITA events. FISITA is the automotive and mobility systems engineering thought-leadership organisation, providing an influential and pre-competitive arena that contributes significantly towards the mobility evolution that will see our industry change so much over the coming years – which means that whether it’s on your radar right now or not, you can look to FISITA to provide you a compelling insight and a ‘heads up’ as to what’s coming your way, very quickly.

So if you’re engaged within today’s auto industry in an engineering capacity, or within a national sales company, the franchised dealer network, supply chain, or maybe an academic, strategist, researcher or other stakeholder to the industry, then FISITA PLUS is a great opportunity for you. We are entering a busy landscape with any number of commercial events companies offering ‘mobility’ based conferences, we understand this. Our calculated decision is based upon our unique industry position, access to the most credible and highest quality speakers and the fact that this is a Mission driven initiative focussed on supporting the development of future technology, our extended community and the eco-system that is evolving around it – and if you’re reading this there’s a strong chance that’s you, right?

Great, so I’ll see you in London on July 13th for the first instalment of FISITA PLUS – I bet you’ll be back in 2018 too!

All the best,

Chris Mason


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