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Q&A with Mr. Shigeki Terashi, President of JSAE, the Japanese society of automotive engineers

JSAE - (Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan) is the Japanese society of automotive engineers. Headquartered in Tokyo, JSAE was founded in 1947, and joined FISITA in 1960.

In this FISITA Society Member Q&A, the society’s president, Shigeki Terashi, outlines his role and JSAE’s priorities.

Shikgeki Terashi, President of JSAE
Shikgeki Terashi, President of JSAE

Please could you outline your current role and responsibilities within your society?

As President of the JSAE, my role is to lead JSAE's sustainable development, while responding to new trends such as Connected Autonomous/Automated Shared Electric (CASE) and Mobility as a Service (MaaS).

What range of activities and services does your society offer?

JSAE runs conferences, seminars, and technical exhibitions. We have activities suitable for all age ranges and all stages of an engineer’s career. Kids, students, young engineers to senior engineers.

"JSAE provides our members with opportunities to exchange and to co-create with the members, and to promote oneself through our activities, offering up-to-date information regarding automotive & mobility engineering".

How can engineers benefit from membership of your society, and how can they join?

JSAE provides our members with opportunities to exchange and to co-create with the members, and to promote oneself through our activities, offering up-to-date information regarding automotive & mobility engineering. Our members are the individuals who work in an automobile or mobility-related field, or have an interest in those areas.

The applicants must meet the below conditions;

  1. People who have graduated from or completed a course of study in science and engineering or other automobile or mobility-related technology program offered by a graduate school, university, technical college, junior college, or college, or by an equivalent education or training institute.

  2. For people who do not meet the above condition, 5 years of practical experience in the field of automotive or mobility engineering. However, this does not apply to people who receive an introduction from a regular member.

  3. JSAE Student Members are the students who belong to one of the above institutions shown in (1) and have an interest in the automotive & mobility engineering.

Membership can be applied for here.

Can you tell us about the key mobility trends that your society is focusing on?

In 2018, JSAE 2050 Challenge was declared to accelerate our activities and to reach our goals of promoting the world’s leading technology and developing engineers who will be responsible for solving the social issues and challenges predicted by 2050.

The areas of technology we cover will not be limited to the conventional automotive technology but to be expanded by incorporating new technology areas such as electrification, autonomous driving, communication, AI, etc.

Agenda of JSAE 2050 Challenge

  1. Progress of automated driving

  2. Accelerated development of low-carbon technologies (electrification, alternative fuels, renewable energy)

  3. Minimization of resource use

  4. Application of information & communication technologies

  5. Application of artificial intelligence

What opportunities do these trends create for engineers developing the technology of mobility?

Engineers who work for the automotive and mobility industry are required to acquire and apply a wide range of knowledge to design the future, not only deepening their specialised area. The concept of systems engineering might be a key for the future engineers. The goal would be to train the next generation of leaders by developing a project management approach based on the ideas of system design and management regarding the realization (visualization) of complex challenges to arrive at solutions that incorporate multiple perspectives.



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