In Germany the VDI is acknowledged as the voice of engineers within this profession and in public life generally. The main focus of the VDI's activities is working in the technological and scientific field.
VDI has nearly 145.000 members in 12 societies. One of these is the society Automotive and Traffic Systems Technologies (FVT).
The VDI FVT with its eight Technical Divisions offers a home for engineers from a wide range of disciplines in the fields of “road”, “rail”, “air” and “water” transport. Through active interplay with the working groups of the VDI Regional Associations, the students and young engineers as well as the other VDI Technical Societies, the VDI FVT is networked nationally and internationally with other cooperation partners. The stated task of the VDI FVT is to strengthen the perception of the engineering profession and to establish the VDI as a technical-scientific opinion leader in professional circles, politics and society. The aim here is to promote the interaction of the various mobility areas and to provide technical impetus, as well as to develop perspectives for cross-sectional topics relating to “People and Mobility” and “Means of Transports and Infrastructure”.