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Wabtec is a leading global provider of equipment, systems, digital solutions, and value-added services. Whether it's freight rail, transit, mining, industrial or marine, our expertise, technologies, and people - together - are accelerating the future of transportation.

Our people, with their extraordinary collective talent, vision and experience are our biggest asset. Our dynamic leadership team has a proven strategy to empower over 27,000 employees in over 50 countries around the world.

As the world’s foremost rail technology company, we will lead the way in creating a more sustainable freight and passenger transportation network. Our values are based on safety, innovation for customers, operational excellence, and teamwork.

Wabtec operates under two financial reporting segments: Freight segment, which includes Equipment, Components, Services and Digital Electronics; and the Transit segment, which includes Equipment and Aftermarket Services.




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16 July 2021


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Dr. Matteo Frea, Head of R&D, Wabtec


The wheel slide protection (WSP) is considered an interoperability system and then regulated according to the TSI LOC & PAS. For the detailed requirements, concerning WSP, the TSI refers to the specific European standard: the EN 15595. To briefly introduce, the WSP system is in charge of the modulation of the braking force in case of degraded wheel-rail adhesion that could lead to axles slide and, if not mitigated, to wheels lock. The WSP control’s logic is based on the acquisition of the angular velocities of the axles producing, as output, the partialisation of the braking force. In case of pneumatic brake, this partialisation is obtained through a couple of solenoid valves (“HOLD” and “VENT”) driven by electrical commands coming from WSP control unit. According to the configuration of these commands, the WSP units can select three states: - “Filling state”, allowing a direct connection between the brake cylinder and the pneumatic conduit through which the brake system directly controls the pressure to the brake cylinder - “Holding state”: the pressure in the brake cylinder cannot be changed by pressure variations in the pneumatic conduit. The “VENT” solenoid valve continues to keep the brake cylinder isolated from the atmosphere. Overall, the pressure to the brake cylinder maintains its value indefinitely, unless pneumatic leakages. - “Venting state”: the pressure in the brake cylinder cannot be changed by pressure variations in the pneumatic conduit. The “VENT” solenoid valve connects the brake cylinder to the atmosphere, reducing the pressure to the brake cylinder, possibly down to zero. The potential to control the braking effort makes the WSP a safety critical system. Errors on the microprocessor or software bugs on the algorithm can potentially lead to unlimited brake release. For this reason, the EN 15595 requires that WSP is equipped with a watchdog function that shall be independent from WSP control algorithm and processor. The watchdog function shall inhibit the WSP intervention in case the brake is continuously released longer than 10 seconds or in case the brake effort is maintained constant, below the demand, longer than 15 seconds. The watchdog function is typically realized with electrical time-out circuits acting directly on the valve’s command lines, downstream the WSP microprocessor, that force the commands to zero in case the timeout is exceeded. After timeout intervention, the resulting pneumatic configuration corresponds to “filling state”. However, the use of the timing circuits according to the prior art exhibits counter-productive cases despite the fact that WSP device is performing its function correctly. For instance, in cases of extremely low adhesion, the axles with high moments of inertia (e.g., axles connected to the drive motors through a gear reducer) could require long time to recover their angular speed when brake is released. If the time required is longer than prescribed timeout, the WSP is inhibited by the watchdog function and the axle will lock, with consequent wheel flat. To overcome the abovementioned safety concerns and to ensure that WSP control algorithm can operate without limitation and delivering at same time highest performance possible, Wabtec has developed a WSP supervisor based on a SIL4 hardware & software platform (EB2022-IBC-009). This article will: - identify the use cases where a traditional watchdog is limiting the correct operations of WSP system - propose an algorithm, to supervise the behaviour of WSP, based on wheels angular velocity and/or brake cylinder pressures - validate the supervising function on a test bench (class 1 according to UIC 541-05 : 2016) ensuring the algorithm is capable to distinguish the unsafe conditions (microprocess or software failures) from the normal operation of WSP related to low adhesion. The final scope is to save the wheels (preventing flats and related maintenance), even during extremely low adhesion, without jeopardizing the safety.

EuroBrake 2023

Wheel-rail contact, wheel-slide protection, braking distance



Possible rules evolution for railway WSP watchdog: safety impact and mitigation, EB2023-RLW-004, EuroBrake 2023



Mr. Luc Imbert, R&D Engineer, Wabtec; Mr. Nicolas Chauvel, Brake System Manager, SNCF; Mr. Matteo Frea, R&D Manager, Wabtec; Mr. Sebastien Haret, Brake System Manager, SNCF


Two companies within the railway sector have found their counterpart to pursue the road towards technical and operational excellence. An operator with the will to invest in order to improve the punctuality and decrease the Life Cycle Costs of its existing fleet, and an industrial company with the need to validate on a train and certify its innovative solution. Within this context and thanks to a fruitful collaboration between the Le Mans (FR) based, Centre d’Ingénierie du Materiel of SNCF and Wabtec’s brake control center of competence in Piossaco (IT), the two companies engaged in testing the performance on a train and collecting the return of experience after deploying the Adaptive Wheel Slide Protection on the Regiolis fleet. The Adaptive wheel slide protection concept was presented in article EB2019-IBC-010: Adaptive Wheel Slide Protection Algorithms and was further investigated and evaluated in a laboratory environment in EB2021-STP-003: Benchmarking the Adaptive WSP. To conclude the Adaptive Wheel Slide Protection journey, this article will present: - The test results of the A-WSP on a Regiolis train, performed according to the EN15595:2011 and the EN15595:2018. These results originate from a report incorporating the outcome of a test campaign carried out in France with an accredited laboratory ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of measurement. - The return of experience of the A-WSP on a Regiolis fleet, by monitoring a number of trains over the most critical months of the year in terms of occurrence of low and extremely low adhesion conditions Both partners have been actively involved within the Shift2Rail program (PINTA, PINTA2, PIOVT2 projects) and will continue within ERJU (R2DATO) to work on the adhesion management topics.

EuroBrake 2023

Wheel-rail contact, wheel-slide protection, braking distance



The adaptive wheel slide protection journey: from concept to operational service, EB2023-BSY-019, EuroBrake 2023


Paper + Slides


Mr. Luc Imbert, Wabtec, ITALY

Mr. Matteo Frea, Wabtec, ITALY

With the ever-increasing railway traffic on existing lines railway operators are requesting means to increase line capacity, operational resiliency and lower Life Cycle Costs. WSP systems integrated in railway vehicles can address the three aspects.

Indeed, a shorter braking distance in low wheel/rail adhesion conditions can increase the line capacity by allowing the vehicles to safely travel closer to each other.

Furthermore, WSP systems with better performing algorithms in very and extremely low wheel/rail adhesion conditions would lead to less wheel locks and lower wheel slide velocities diminishing the number of wheel flats and overall wheel damage, thereby reducing the LCC. The increased performance in these conditions would also lead to an increased resiliency to environmental conditions.

As a follow-up to the work presented in the paper entitled “ADAPTIVE WHEEL SLIDE PROTECTION ALGORITHMS” - EB2019-IBC-010, a two-point investigation is led to evaluate how the A-WSP addresses the railway operators needs.

The first investigation will quantify the differences in terms of braking distance and air consumption between a WSP device incorporating a traditional WSP algorithm and a WSP device incorporating an adaptive WSP algorithm.

The second investigation will quantify differences in terms of wheel flats and wheel damage between a WSP device incorporating a traditional WSP algorithm and a WSP device using an adaptive WSP algorithm,

The quantification of both investigations will be done at least according to EN15595:2018 criteria and could be extended if these do not provide a holistic view of the differences.

The quantification will be based on the analysis of test results from a hardware in the loop test bench and on test results from the Multi-axle Roller Rig present in Wabtec’s laboratory.

In order to produce a realistic output, the hardware in the loop test bench and the Multi-axle Roller Rig will be configured according to the characteristics of an existing vehicle and subjected to a real mission profile including the most critical situation identified by railway operators.

EuroBrake 2021




Benchmarking the Adaptive Wheel Slide Protection, EB2021-STP-003, EuroBrake 2021

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