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Congress: Vibrational behavior of battery cooling structure under rough road driving conditions

Event: FISITA World Congress 14-16 September 2021 online

Name: Katsuya Minami, Chief Engineer

Company: Honda motor Co., Ltd.

Presentation Title: F2020-ADM-077 Battery Cooling Structural Analysis Using Experimental Modal Method

Please introduce yourself briefly…

I received my M.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Tohoku University. I’m currently responsible for thermal system design of batteries for electrified vehicles for Honda motor Co., Ltd.. My career is based on engine design and various simulation experiences, especially in multi-body dynamics, structural optimization and vehicle energy management. In recent years, I have lead structural and vibrational analysis projects for battery electric vehicles.

My research interests are electrified vehicle energy optimization for balancing green, comfort and fun!

What you will talk about at this year’s FISITA World Congress?

Battery cooling structure for a battery pack is required to have two major functionalities, sufficient heat transfer performance between the battery module and the cooling plate, and the mechanical reliability of the composed parts against external loads in strict driving scenarios.

A multi-scale structural analysis was newly established to predict the vibrational behavior of the battery cooling structure under rough road driving conditions. This presentation will relate the detailed methodology of the analysis and demonstrate the specific results of a battery electric vehicle.

What benefits will participants gain from your presentation?

Participants will be able to understand how to predict the vibrational behavior of battery cooling structure by combining measurements and simulations.

Which trends do you consider as the most important for your domain of research and your geographical region?

Battery thermal management.

What challenges do these trends present?

Ultra fast charging over 350kw and long range drive regardless of ambient temperature.

And what opportunities do these trends offer?

Ultimate comfort and pleasure of BEV driving.

Register for the FISITA World Congress now. There is a limited offer of 500 free sponsored registrations for non-presenting delegates!


About the FISITA World Congress

Since 1947, the FISITA World Congress has been the leading international meeting place for industry experts, engineers and executives to exchange ideas and discuss the trends that drive the automotive industry forward. The theme for the 38th FISITA World Congress is 'From automobile to mobility. New roles. New challenges' and it will take place 14-16 September 2021, with the opportunity for the global audience to join virtually available for the first time. Registration is now open, with the Early Bird and special registration rates available until 31 August 2021.

Content from the 2020 FISITA Web Congress is available within the FISITA Technical Library, while material from previous Congress events back to 1998 is available in the FISITA Store. By the time of this year’s Congress, all the content will be available within the FISITA Technical Library, with free access provided to FISITA members.

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The FISITA World Congress is one of the most important and prestigious gatherings of mobility engineers and executives in the automotive and mobility calendar. We can offer a number of exceptional promotion opportunities for organisations, associations and companies enabling them to meet their targeted audience and interact with the key decision-makers in and around FISITA 2021.

There are many opportunities to partner with us at the upcoming Congress. Take a look at the virtual prospectus for the full list and easily book a partnership package or virtual booth, or contact Ms. Marie Březinová, Industry Liaison and Sales Manager, Guarant International spol. s r. o., on


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