Name: Mr. Zicheng Wang
Organisation: Cranfield University
Presentation Title: Investigation of Disc Brake Pad Interface Pressure Distributions Using FBG Sensors (EB2021-STP-021)
Session: NVH Fundamentals, Thursday 20th May 2021, 09:00 - 10:40 (Central European Summer Time - CEST)

What do you find most interesting about the topic of your presentation?
The ability to experimentally determine brake interface pressure distributions via optical fibre sensors which is an innovative application of a cutting-edge technology.
When discussing this topic with industry peers, what question are you most frequently asked? How do you answer it?
Question: How this topic would influence and contribute to the industry? Answer: Optical fibre sensors offer the potential for the dynamic measurement of brake interface pressure distributions in a reliable and effective way. The experimental results should provide an improved understanding of disc brake system, and improve further disc brake system design in terms of higher and more stable friction characteristics
Who do you think will be most interested in your presentation, and who would you most like to ask questions about it?
Brake manufacturers; NVH departments in automotive companies; University researchers
What specific topics or technology are you hoping to see in other presentations or in the exhibition?
Simulation and Testing of Noise Vibration Harshness; Friction Interface Dynamics; Brake System and Component Performance; Thermal Effects
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About Zicheng Wang.
Zicheng Wang is a PhD research student at Cranfield University, investigating the use of optical fibre sensors in the characterisation of disc brake performance and NVH. He has studied automotive engineering over the last 5 years, including a master thesis concerning the design of an electric quad bike design and a group project designing a variable geometry inlet manifold for a Nissan HR16 SI engine. Previous academic experience has provided him with a comprehensive understanding of the whole vehicle field, and his PhD project offers him the opportunity to undertake deeper research into braking systems.