Organised by
EuroBrake Steering Committee
EuroBrake Advisory Board
ESOP Working Group
EuroBrake is organised by FISITA, the international membership organisation that supports the automotive and mobility systems sector in its quest to advance technological development. Having delivered against this mission for every generation of engineers since 1948, we are uniquely placed to promote excellence in mobility engineering and the development of safe, sustainable and affordable mobility solutions.
See FISITA Library items from EuroBrake 2022
RENK Test System GmbH: Mr Johannes Leopold, Mr Matthias Huttner, Mr. Jens Härlen, Mr. Michael Steglich
EuroBrake 2022
Testing requirements and friction couples

AUDI AG: Dr. Sebastian Gramstat; Porsche AG: Mr. Manuel Wirth, Mr. Ingolf Eichmann; TU Braunschweig: Prof. Dr.-Ing Georg-Peter Ostermeyer; Volkswagen AG: Mr. Jan Voigt
EuroBrake 2022
Brake emission testing

AVL List GmbH: Dr. Athanasios Mamakos, Dr. Michael Arndt, BMW Group: Mrs. Katharina Kolbeck, Mr Thomas Schroeder; TU Ilmenau: Mr. Christopher Hamatschek, Dr. David Hesse
EuroBrake 2022
Standardisation & future outlook on brake particulate emission testing

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Friday 20 May
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Thursday 19 May
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Wednesday 18 May
06:00 AM to 04:30 PM
Tuesday 17 May
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Monday 16 May
Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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06:00 AM
ESOP Round Table 1
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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07:00 AM
EuroBrake welcome address
Jan Münchhoff, AUDI AG / Chair of EuroBrake Steering Committee
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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07:10 AM
EuroBrake opening plenary session
Chairs: David Barton, University of Leeds and Klaus Jäckel, Daimler Truck AG
Act by-wire – a new chapter for electrification
Stephan Stass, Robert Bosch GmbH Chassis Systems Control
Keynote address abstract:
Automated driving and new battery-electric platforms drive car makers and suppliers to focus even more on differentiation and efficiency.
Act by-wire, combining steer and brake by-wire, is addressing these topics with new flexibility in vehicle design and standardization in vehicle integration and production.
Bosch cross-domain vehicle motion management unlocks the full potential of act by-wire systems with its advanced control design solutions.
End customers benefit from new human machine interfaces and a more agile, safe and comfortable driving experience.
Data-driven development and virtualized software releases support to master complexity and to ensure a safe and efficient series introduction.
Can AI help reduce testing from the test engineering process? How data analytics can make testing smarter
Carlos Agudelo, Link Engineering Co.
Shravan Adapa, Soothsayer Analytics LLC
Keynote address abstract:
The test engineer conducts a test when there is no known answer to a technical question. Can I shorten the stopping distance by 30 % with this new brake package without increasing noise during normal driving? Can this new regenerative brake blending algorithm bring the total vehicle emissions below my target level? Can this smaller brake caliper provide the torque output for ABS and last a vehicle life for a shared vehicle? These are questions that we typically use to justify a test campaign or a test plan involving onroad, proving ground, and laboratory testing. All successful answers to the above have three things in common: lots of data, data pipelines, and algorithms.
But, there may be a different way to answer these and other questions: Artificial Intelligence, and its toolbox with Machine Learning, High-Performance Computing, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics, and Neural Networks, to name the most common tools from AI. Automated and Connected Vehicles, Smart Logistics, Mobility as a Service, and Smart Manufacturing are areas where AI is growing the most, and all of them are within the automotive industry. We need to bridge the gap that exists with product development and its associated test programs.
This keynote takes a look at future applications: how we see AI/data analytics being applied to today’s needs in the brake industry, along with current challenges and opportunities. Also, the keynote looks at best practices for data management: the importance of keeping an organized database, and what any lab can do today to begin preparing itself for future data science applications. Lastly, we consider AI methods being applied today to leverage databases to result in improved processes, along with a case study related to brake emissions.
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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08:15 AM
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Advances in friction material formulation
Chair: Anne-Lise Cristol, University of Lille
Co-Chair: Kai Bode, Audi AG
Effect of space fillers in the brake friction material on airborne particle emission: A case study with BaSO4, Ca(OH)2, and CaCO3
Jongsung Park, Hyungjo Seo and Ho Jang, Korea University
Yun Cheol, Hyundai Motor Company
Effect of addition of aluminium anodizing waste on the wear and emission behaviour of a low metallic friction material for automotive braking Applications
Priyadarshini Jayashree and Giovanni Straffelini, University of Trento
Effects of titanate on brake wear particle emission
Emiko Daimon. Otsuka Chemical Co., Ltd
Performance of environmentally sustainable NAO Cu-free brake pads containing nitrile rubbers and recycled friction material
Vishal Reddy Singireddy, Rohit Jogineedi and Peter Filip, Southern Illinois University
Chair: Matthias Leber, Porsche
Co-Chair: David Bryant, University of Bradford
Serial process development and industrialization of laser-based hard coated brake discs
Phillip Utsch and Dominik Dobrzanski, HPL Technologies GmbH (WECODUR)
Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum, Aachen University
Friction performance of an alumina based coating on cast iron brake disc
Xueyuan Nie, Ran Cai, Jingzeng Zhang and Jimi Tjong, University of Windsor
Sean Foots and Mark Lavelle, NUCAP Industries Inc.
Laser cladding in brake disc coating – from application development to industrialization for mass production
Hossein Najafi, Mehmet Kemal Coskun, Arkadi Zikin and Jörg Spatzier, Oerlikon
Fine dust reduction by coating of brake discs using the high-speed laser metal deposition technology
Marco Göbel, TRUMPF Laser - und Systemtechnik GmbH
Rotor coatings
Chair: Theodoros Grigoratos, European Commission JRC
Co-Chair: Katharina Kolbeck, BMW Group
The effects of corrosion on particle emissions from a grey cast iron brake disc
Ishmaeel Ghouri and David Barton, University of Leeds
Influence of the driving behaviour on the non-exhaust brake emissions
Matteo Federici, Mara Leonardi, Andrea Bonfanti and Guido Perricone, Brembo S.p.A
Next evolutions in the development of brake emission testing
Christof Danner, AVL List GmbH
Investigations on recuperation and operation strategies of a battery electric vehicle under real world conditions as a basis for future brake wear particle emission measurements
Christopher Hamatschek, David Hesse, Valentin Ivanov and Thomas Bachmann, TU Ilmeanu
Sebastian Gramstat and Anton Stich, Audi AG
Environmental impact of brake wear particulate emissions
08:30 AM
Technical session 1
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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10:25 AM
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Thermal simulation
Chair: Joachim Noack, ZF Group
Co-Chair: Yannick Desplanques, University of Lille
Robust disc and pad temperature estimation model – a machine learning / artificial intelligence approach
Anthony Ohazulike and Abdessamed Ramdane, Hitachi Astemo Brake Systems
Methodology for conjugate heat transfer analysis of brake discs
Balaji Ravindranath, Wabtec Corporation
Cloud-based thermal simulation of brake disc cooling performance
Christian Taucher, ICON
Identification and quantitative modelling of thermal localization mechanisms associated with low frequency vibration
Jean-François Brunel, Maxime Cathelineau and Philippe Dufrénoy, University of Lille
Dounia Fassi Fihri and Pierre-Gilles Belon, Stellantis
Thermomechanical modelling of frictional contact localization as wear and emissions sources sites
Valentin Bruant, Jean-François Brunel, Philippe Dufrénoy, University of Lille
Chair: Jaroslaw Grochowicz, Ford Werke GmbH
Co-Chair: Rick Kaatz, KBAA
Brake fluids and corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys: a fundamental investigation
Federico Bertasi, Marco Bandiera, Sara Gerosa, Arianna Pavesi, Fabio Manzoni, Andrea Bonfanti, Alessandro Mancini and Alessandro Sanguineti, Brembo S.p.A
Tribological properties of low wear ceramic matrix composite friction pairings compared to standard friction pairings
Thorsten Opel, University of Bayreuth
Coatings and other developments in brake components
Chair: Sebastian Gramstat, AUDI AG
Co-Chair: Wolfgang Schroeer, DRIV
Conversion of ISO PAS 22574 into an ISO DIS Standard
Andreas Jandl, FEMFM- Federation of European Manufacturers of Friction Materials
Standardization of drag mode friction test for hydraulic and pneumatic vehicle brakes
Nicolae Penta, TMD Friction
ISO PWI 4792 - Road vehicles – friction-relevant brake disc specification
Sebastian Gramstat, Audi AG
Carlos Agudelo, Link Engineering Co.
ISO 6310 Compressive strain testing
Carlos Agudelo, Link Engineering Co.
Update on SAE brake committees
Carlos Agudelo, Link Engineering Co.
JSAE global standardisation activities update
Masaki Hayakawa, Akebono Brake Industry
Yoshihiro Osawa, Toyota Motor Company
Masato Yamaguchi, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
Yuzo Todani, Mazda Motor Corporation
Naoki Hata, Tatsushi Ishikawa, ADVICS Co., Ltd
Global standards and ISO update
11:00 AM
Technical session 2
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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Co-Chair: John Smith
Chair: John Smith
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01:15 PM
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Rail brake systems and testing
Chair: Stefan Dörsch, DB Systemtechnik GmbH
Co-Chair: Roberto Tione, Wabtec
Electro-mechanical brake device, novel solution for the migration of the safety functions
Matteo Frea, Wabtec
Enhancing the safety and the availability of wheel slide protection function for railways applications
Pierre Debernardi, Marco Fasolini and Fabio Ferrara, Wabtec
On a risk-based approach to automatic brake testing in freight rail
Raphael Pfaff and Manfed Enning, FH Aachen & RailCrowd GmbH
Swedish tests of ll-brake blocks under winter conditions - winter 2020–2021
Tore Vernersson, Anders Ekberg and Roger Lundén, Chalmers Railway Mechanics
Mikael Aho and Pär-Johan Wedell, AFRY
Lars Fehrlund, Green Cargo
Petter Hydén, Förnuft och Känsla
Chair: Claus Thomas, Porsche AG
Co-Chair: Cristian Malmassari, Brembo S.p.A
Proposal for a common measurement standard for the acoustic behaviour of electric parking brakes on component level
Karsten Gebbers, Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG
Steven Rees, ZF Group
Psychoacoustics and machine learning methods for the objective rating of creep groan noise
Severin Huemer-Kals, , Máté Tóth and Peter Fischer, TU Graz
Jurij Prezelj, University of Ljubljana
Martin Zacharczuk and Karl Häsler, Mercedes-Benz AG
High damping and high stiffness under layer for squeal noise improvement
Masato Nishioka and Leann Johnson, ADVICS North America
A structural dynamics modification strategy based on expanded squeal operational deflection shapes
Guillaume Martin and Etienne Balmes, SDTools
Thierry Chancelier, Sylvain Thouviot and Rémi Lemaire, Hitachi Astemo
Noise, Vibration, Harshness
Chair: Yezhe Lyu, Lund University
Co-Chair: Jens Wahlström, Lund University
Hard-metal-coated brake discs – impact of chemical and physical characteristics on fine dust emission behaviour
Manuel Wirth and Ingold Eichmann, Porsche AG
Sebastian Gramstat, Audi AG
Jan Voigt Volkswagen AG
Georg-Peter Ostermeyer TU Braunschweig
Application of regenerative braking using torque v. speed curves during inertia dynamometer tests for brake emissions
Carlos Agudelo, RaviTeja Vedula, Chris Urban, John Miller, Lee Davis and Scott Tonn, Link Engineering Co.
Jaroslaw Grochowicz, Athul Raj, Marcel Mathissen, Dominik Schenk and Martin Stenitjes,Ford Werke GmbH
Sub-scale dyno testing to investigate the influence of pressure and velocity on the wear and emissions of different friction materials
Stefano Candeo and Giovanni Straffelini, University of Trento
Mara Leonardi, Brembo S.p.A